Saturday, August 21, 2010

What Does LOVE Look Like

The question is what does love look like? This is really a question for every individual seeking a healed relationship

•True love is two people who have seen each other in their perfection!

•It is obvious to anyone and everyone who looks at the two people together.

•No one would question if they were partners.

•When they look into each other’s eyes they cannot help but smile.

•When they are near each other they cannot help but touch.

•When they are apart in a group they will steal glances and smiles across the room.

•It is free of agendas, pure and childlike.

•It happens naturally and there is no need to set up scenarios or control anything. This sight of the Divine Spirit causes the unfoldment.

•It may happen upon meeting for one or both or it could take weeks or months to develop.

•There is friendship that is the best friend relationship for both people. A couple who considers other people to be their best friends will falter in difficulty.

•Old friends for years can go through shifts within themselves that allow them to see each other truly for the first time.

•No other person is affected by attack for love to come forth.

•There are no feelings of competition or barriers to remove as barriers simply are not seen in this state of true love.

•Both people glow from this love.

•Both people are uplifted and inspired.

•Both people improve in their health and vitality.

•True love has honesty and trust in communication and expression.

•Creativity expounds and flows freely within the care of the love.

•Laughter is essential, two people who are not laughing together even in difficult times are not in this state of Divine Love.

•True love breaks the bonds of oppression, it is freedom in truth, it offers a reflection of something greater.

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